We work to prepare young people capable of making a positive impact in Brazil
Get to know our history and social impact
We have already transformed the lives of more than 4k Brazilians with our mentorship.
We have a huge professional network of experienced volunteers to aid our inexperienced youngster.
Our mentors and mentees are spread across over 400 Brazilian cities.
Who Are We
The Joule Institute believes in the transforming power that human connections and mentorship can foster
We connect young people and experienced professionals through online mentorships for personal and professional purposes. We use technology in order to make it possible to connect people from different cities, regions and even different countries.
Our network of professionals share experiences, ideas and development of young people so that they can elaborate and set goals, plan their careers and have access to the best opportunities through personal and professional growth.

Our History
“A difficult harsh childhood and adolescence, with scarce resources. Unemployed father, early death of a mother. Unable to access simple and basic things. This is the reality of millions of Brazilians and I was no exception.
Everything only changed when I, voluntarily or not, was rescued by angels I now call mentors. With their help I changed my reality and grew up with the feeling to give it back to other people. In large scale”!
(Fernando Schneider, Joule Institute's Founder)
Our organization was founded in 2012 amid a major desire from Fernando and Shirley to return to the society everything they experienced in their life trajectories.
In 2015 amid Brazil’s alarming economic and social scenario with more than 13 million of unemployed people, the population was desperate looking for an opportunity. At that moment Joule project was carried out. The couple of co-founders invited several of their friends to become mentors and a network took shape. The volunteering model was conceived online to be scalable and accessible to a wide range of people from different locations. A website and a social media page were created and people started enrolling in search of help and then mentors and mentees started to get together.
In two years the project has grown considerably (more than 4.000 mentees and 1500 mentors) and in 2017, the Joule Institute was officially established focusing on spreading positive impact.
Empowering low-income youngsters and professionals to widen their future perspectives and enable them towards personal and professional growth, transforming their lives making a positive impact in their community.
Becoming a reference in terms of contribution to a more egalitarian society through personal, professional development in a universal access to education in order to promote social equality in Brazil.
Transparência: agir com integridade em todas as nossas ações
Empatia: pensar como o outro se sente e agir com base nisso
Responsabilidade: nossas ações são ponderadas e têm valor
Institutions supporting us

Awards & Acknowledgement
? Selecionado para o Laureate Youth Action Net: Jovem Empreendedor Social, pela International Youth Foundation
? Estudo de caso na Georgetown University
? Prêmio Young Leaders of the America Initiative, dado pelo governo americano
? Selecionado pela Fundação Arymax no Concurso de Projetos
? Parceria com a GreaterGood.org para realizar workshops presenciais Girls´ Voices em escolas públicas do Brasil
? Parceria E2C com o Grupo+Unidos: Mentoria em inglês para jovens negros
? Selecionado pelo governo americano para a conferência global de Diplomacia e Impacto Social em San Diego, CA
? Selecionado pela Fundação 1Bi para o Programa Potencialize: Consultoria porprofissionais do Ifood
? Selecionado pelo Grupo Ambev para participar do Programa VOA: Desenvolvimento e Projeto de Mentoria com funcionários da Ambev
? Selecionado pelo Grupo Ambev para a fase do Programa PEX VOA: em preparação para o selo Gestão e Confiança do Instituto Doar.

Shirley Schneider
Passagens pelas áreas de Supply Chain e Fulfillment da Dell, Eichenberg e
Convector. Fellow da Internacional Youth Foundation, Embaixadora do Programa Girls Voices da GreaterGood.org
Formada em administração de empresas pela

Bruno Barreto
Gerente geral de vendas para América Latina do Google - Passagens por
Goldman Sachs, e Symantec.
Bacharel em administração pela Brigham Young
University; MBA pela University of Texas at Austin

Danielle Camillo
Board Member
Gerente de Marketing na Unilever, com
passagens pela Frooty, Lindt e Danone.
Formada em em Administração de empresas pela FEA-USP, MBA pela Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Danilo Nogueira
Estudante de Engenharia da UNICAMP, apaixonado por ensinar, criar conexões verdadeiras e aprender com as pessoas. Foi mentorado pelo Joule em 2019, Pós Júnior e é também co-fundador da Liga de Estágios da UNICAMP

Fernando Schneider
Diretor de Tecnologia no BK - Passagens por Google, Microsoft, Dell, UOL e Mckinsey.
Administrador pela Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, MBA pela Tuck School of Business @ Dartmouth

Tiago Carvalho
Board Member
Empreendedor na Dentz, com passagens em cargos de gestão pela Euromonitor, Integrity Consulting e WTC. Formado em Admninstração de empresas pela Anhembi
Your contribution is mission-critical for us to keep taking this life-changing opportunity to more than 11 young Brazilians in need!